MARNIE (1964) - LETTER FROM GRACE KELLY - Handwritten letter from Grace Kelly to Hitchcock. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - On set photograph from ''Marnie'', taken in March 1964. JOSEPH STEFANO - Photograph of Joseph Stefano, who wrote the screenplay for ''Psycho'' and worked on an early draft of the screenplay for ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - Photograph of Diane Baker and Sean Connery, taken during the filming of ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - Photograph of Hitchcock and Sean Connery, taken during the filming of ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - PUBLICITY STILL - Publicity photograph for ''Marnie'' of Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery. MARNIE (1964) - POSTER - Italian publicity poster for ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - STORYBOARD - Storyboard sketch from ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - STORYBOARD SEQUENCE 07 - Storyboard sequence from ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - COSTUME TEST - Photograph of Diane Baker costume test for ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - PUBLICITY STILL - Photograph of Tippi Hedren, taken during the filming of ''Marnie''. The scene was discarded during postproduction. MARNIE (1964) - PUBLICITY STILL - Publicity photograph for ''Marnie'' of Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - On set photograph from ''Marnie''. Standing next to Hitchcock is cinematographer Robert Burks. HITCHCOCK AND THE MAKING OF MARNIE - Front cover of the hardback edition of ''Hitchcock and the Making of Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - On set photo from ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - On set photograph from ''Marnie'' (1964). MARNIE (1964) - PUBLICITY STILL - Publicity photograph for ''Marnie'' of Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - Photograph of Alfred Hitchcock, taken during the filming of ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - Photograph of Alfred Hitchcock on the set of ''Marnie''. VANITY FAIR PHOTOSHOOT - Vanity Fair photoshoot from March 2008 - ''Marnie'' with Naomi Watts. MARNIE (1964) - PUBLICITY STILL - Publicity photograph for ''Marnie'' of actress Tippi Hedren. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - On set photograph from ''Marnie'' (1964). MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - On set photograph from ''Marnie'' (1964). MARNIE (1964) - PUBLICITY STILL - Publicity photograph for ''Marnie'' of actress Tippi Hedren. MARNIE (1964) - PUBLICITY STILL - Publicity photograph for ''Marnie'' of actress Tippi Hedren. MARNIE (1964) - LOBBY CARD - Lobby card for ''Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - Photograph of Sean Connery (''Marnie''). MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - Photograph of Alfred Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren (''Marnie''). MARNIE (1964) - POSTER - Italian publicity poster for ''Marnie''. HITCHCOCK AND THE MAKING OF MARNIE (BACK) - Back cover of the paperback edition of ''Hitchcock and the Making of Marnie''. MARNIE (1964) - ON SET - On set photograph from ''Marnie''.