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Long Beach Independent (28/Nov/1941) - Baffling Names of Taverns Decoded by Movie Director



Baffling Names of Taverns Decoded by Movie Director

Director Alfred Hitchcock has a hobby which ho believes no other person in the world shares.

He studies the histories of long-famed English taverns and pubs and "decodes" many otherwise baffling modern names of taverns,

Hitchcock is credited with ascribing as a cockney corruption one of England's lauded pubs, "The Goat and Compasses." Today it has a wooden sign of a goat with compasses set at angles across it. Delving back, he found that two centuries ago it was called "The Good God Encompasses Us."

Another Hitchcock unraveling concerns "The Elephant and Castle," one of London's historic taverns in an area also called the Elephant and Castle. He probed into history and found the original name to be "The Infanta de Castilla," after the crown princess of Spain at the time of the Peninsular wars.

One of his triumphs was the mystery of a pub called "The Cases Altered." Hitchcock found that years ago a retired Portuguese sea captain started a pub and named it "Las Casas d'Alteria," after his home in the Alteria province. With time, the slurring tendency in words Anglicized it to "The Cases Altered."