Vertigo (1958) - still - Publicity photograph for ''Vertigo'', signed by Kim Novak and James Stewart.Rope (1948) - photograph - Publicity shot of Farley Granger, James Stewart and John Dall in ''Rope''.Rear Window (1954) - photograph - Publicity photograph from ''Rear Window''.Rear Window (1954) - still - Publicity still for ''Rear Window''.Rear Window (1954) - still - Publicity still for ''Rear Window''.Vertigo (1958) - still - Publicity still for the re-release of ''Vertigo''.Rear Window (1954) - still - Publicity still for ''Rear Window''.Rear Window (1954) - on set - On set photograph from ''Rear Window'' (1954).Rear Window (1954) - still - Publicity still for ''Rear Window''.Rear Window (1954) - still - Publicity still for ''Rear Window''.Rear Window (1954) - photograph - Photograph from ''Rear Window''.The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) - publicity still - Publicity still for ''The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)''.Rear Window (1954) - still - Publicity still for ''Rear Window''.Vertigo (1958) - photograph - Publicity photograph for ''Vertigo''.Rear Window (1954) - photograph - Photograph from ''Rear Window''.