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Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (14/Jan/1939) - What the Newspaper Critics Say (advert)


What the Newspaper Critics Say


"... If it were not so brilliant a melodrama, we should class it as a brilliant comedy ..."
S. Nugent, N. Y. TIMES

"... An extraordinarily exciting and powerful melodrama because it has been staged by Alfred Hitchcock, one of the greatest directors in motion pictures ... Tensely absorbing ... Fluent, cumulatively entertaining ..."
Howard Barnes, N. Y. HERALD TRIBUNE

"... Excellent ... Thriller treat of the year ... Diabolically suspenseful, impishly humorous ..."
William Boehnel, N. Y. WORLD-TELEGRAM

"... Tense and characterful thriller with extraordinarily humorous asides ..."
Archer Winsten, N. Y. POST