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Yorkshire Evening Post (08/Mar/1941) - Hitchcock Again


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Hitchcock Again

Alfred Hitchcock, the British director, who is showing the Hollywoodians how to make pictures (he has just won the award for the year's best with "Rebecca"), has made another good one.

It is "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," and was shown to the trade at the Scala on Wednesday.

Although it is not "Hitch's" best work, it is an amusing comedy. It is about a couple who quarrel a good deal (Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery), and then discover that they are not really married at all.

The "common law wife " determines to take full advantage of the situation to be free, although her husband wishes to remarry her.

She leads him up the garden path by making up to his business partner, a pompous ass, well played by Gene Raymond, and the husband spends his time trying to get her back.

There are plenty of piquant situations, humorous incidents, and clever dialogue, and generally it is an entertaining film, but one could not help thinking that some men would have found a much easier way of going about the business.