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1000 Frames of Hitchcock

(Redirected from 1000)


"1000 Frames of Hitchcock" is an attempt to reduce each of the 52 available major Hitchcock films down to just 1000 frames. The aim of the project is to create a library of images which can be used to illustrate blog posts, web articles and reviews, etc.

Further details are available on Dave's weblog and Flickr photostream.

The project was featured on the Filmmagasinet Ekko and Télérama web sites.


At it's peak, the project is currently attracted over 2,000 visitors per day!

all 52,000 frames in a single image, one horizontal line per film (Flickr)


Please note that the pages are quite large (as they contain 1000 images), so may take a few seconds to fully load:


The following companies are known rights holders to the images used in the project: