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Hitchcock Chronology: R.R.R.R.

Entries in the Hitchcock Chronology relating to R.R.R.R....



  • Hitchcock writes to Russian émigré novelist Vladimir Nabokov and tries to interest him in developing an original screenplay based on one of two stories that the director is considering as his next film — a crime caper about a family of Italian crooks or a gritty political spy thriller about a defecting scientist and his wife. Nabokov expresses interest in the first story, but is too busy to begin work until the summer of 1965 at the earliest.[1]




  • 4th - Hitchcock meets with Italian writers Agenore Incrocci and Furio Scarpelli in Hollywood to discuss developing a script for the R.R.R.R. project. The project is eventually abandoned as Hitchcock decides to concentrate his energy on the pre-production of Torn Curtain.[3][4]


  • Italian writers Agenore Incrocci and Furio Scarpelli return to Rome to begin working on a script for the R.R.R.R. project.[5]


  1. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, pages 658-61
  2. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 661
  3. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, pages 661-62
  4. Wikipedia: Age & Scarpelli
  5. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, pages 662