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Western Morning News (14/Feb/1950) - Amusements: Ingrid Bergman in Australian Romance



Amusements: Ingrid Bergman in Australian Romance

The suspense which is looked for in films bearing the Alfred Hitchcock hallmark is lacking in Under Capricorn, a Technicolor attraction at the Royal Cinema, Plymouth.

With early 19th century Australia as its setting it is a romance of a titled woman married to her former groom, an ex-convict, complicated by a housekeeper whose love for the husband drives her to the verge of murder.

It is never quite convincing. It Is impossible to believe, for instance, that a dinner party would placidly ignore a pistol shot fired in a bedroom in the house especially as the door is open at the time.

There is an unreal quality also about the acting of the stars Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, and Michael Wilding.