College Literature (2008) - Through the Looking Glass: Reflexivity, Reciprocality, and Defenestration in Hitchcock's "Rear Window"
- article: Through the Looking Glass: Reflexivity, Reciprocality, and Defenestration in Hitchcock's "Rear Window"
- author(s): Lawrence Howe
- journal: College Literature (01/Jan/2008)
- issue: volume 35, issue 1, pages 16-37
- DOI: 10.1353/lit.2008.0008
- journal ISSN: 0093-3139
- publisher: West Chester University
- keywords: "Framing Hitchcock: Selected Essays from the Hitchcock Annual" - edited by Sidney Gottlieb and Christopher Brookhouse, "Hitchcock on Hitchcock" - edited by Sidney Gottlieb, Alfred Hitchcock, Anthony Dawson, Christopher Brookhouse, Dial M for Murder (1954), Donald Spoto, François Truffaut, George Toles, Grace Kelly, James Stewart, Jean Douchet, John Belton, Laura Mulvey, Lawrence Howe, Leo Braudy, Linda Williams, New York City, New York, Paramount Pictures, Patricia Hitchcock, Ray Milland, Raymond Burr, Rear Window (1954), Robert J. Corber, Robert Stam, Roberta Pearson, Rope (1948), Screen (1975) - Visual pleasure and narrative cinema, Sidney Gottlieb, Tania Modleski, Thelma Ritter, Universal Studios, Vertigo (1958), Walter Raubicheck, Walter Srebnick, Warner Brothers, Wendell Corey