- article: The English master of movie melodrama: Hitchcock, Horror and the Woman's Film
- author(s): Mark Jancovich
- journal: Film International (01/Jun/2011)
- issue: volume 9, issue 3, pages 51-69
- DOI: 10.1386/fint.9.3.51_1
- journal ISSN: 1651-6826
- keywords: "Hitchcock and Selznick" - by Leonard J. Leff, "Hitchcock: The Making of a Reputation" - by Robert E Kapsis, "Mr. Hitchcock" - by Quentin Falk, Alfred Hitchcock Presents (TV), Alfred Hitchcock, British Film Institute, Cary Grant, Chicago, Illinois, Claude Rains, Cornell Woolrich, David O. Selznick, Foreign Correspondent (1940), Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, James Mason, Joan Fontaine, John Dall, Joseph Cotten, Lifeboat (1944), Marnie (1964), Michael Redgrave, New York City, New York, North by Northwest (1959), Notorious (1946), Old Bailey, London, Otto Kruger, Patrick Hamilton, Patrick McGilligan, Peter Bogdanovich, Peter Lorre, Priscilla Lane, Psycho (1960), Rear Window (1954), Rebecca (1940), Robert Cummings, Robin Wood, Rope (1948), Saboteur (1942), Salvador Dalí, Shadow of a Doubt (1943), Sidney Bernstein, Spellbound (1945), Stage Fright (1950), Strangers on a Train (1951), Suspicion (1941), Tallulah Bankhead, Teresa Wright, The 39 Steps (1935), The Birds (1963), The Lady Vanishes (1938), The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934), The Paradine Case (1947), Torn Curtain (1966), Under Capricorn (1949), Universal Studios, Vertigo (1958), Walter Wanger