Archive for January 2007

The Colours of North by Northwest

Colours, and the moods they evoke, play an important role in Hitchcock’s films. With that in mind, I got ImageMagick to figure out the average colour of each of the 1000 frames for “North by Northwest” — you can see the results here. To put the average colours into context, here they are annotated with a selection of scenes… Getting the average colour of a given image got me wondering if it might be possible… (read more)

1000 Frames of Hitchcock – Spellbound (1945)

Slightly inspired by Douglas Gordon’s “24 Hour Psycho” video installation, here’s the first part of “1000 Frames of Hitchcock”: Spellbound (1945) …be warned, it’s a bandwidth hungry page! The 1000 frames are fairly equally spaced and each represents a section of film lasting roughly 6 seconds. Seeing as the next Dynix User Group Conference will be held in Barcelona, here’s a segment containing one of the Salvador Dali “Dream Sequences”: