Archive for April 2008

Similar films

The Internet Movie Database usually lists a number of genre keywords for each film, and I thought it would be interesting to use those to find out which Hitchcock films are similar. So, for each Hitchcock film, I’ve listed the top five other films that have the most keywords in common with that film. For example, the most similar film to “Psycho” is “Frenzy”, and the most similar to “Spellbound” is “Vertigo”. What do you… (read more)

The Birds – free entrance with this mask!

Via Google News, I found this wonderful piece of “The Birds” memorabilia for sale on the Movie Poster Studio web site… An article on the CinemaRetro web site goes into more details… The concept behind this particular bird-brained scheme was to allow members of the public free entry to screenings, as long as they were wearing the mask, and as long as they could match a number printed on the back of the mask with… (read more)